I get it. Engaging your students is HARD. Engaging half a class of in person kindergarteners and half a class of virtual kindergarteners is even harder. Each day, I do everything I can to keep my in person kids six feet apart, in their seats, participating in our lessons, while making sure my virtual kids are muted, not showing us the inside of their mouths, and engaged with us. It’s exhausting!
After what felt like YEARS of trying to engage my kids during lessons (seriously, 2020 was wayyy longer than one year), I finally found the secret. Instead of standing and teaching my kids, I started using interactive games. Seriously, what kids don’t love games?!
These games allow my kids to do so much more than just answer a question.
Instead of sitting and listening to me, they’re now able to:
- practice skills that are taught
- explain their thinking
- agree/disagree and explain why
- explain a concept to a friend
They’re self-checking too…who doesn’t love the excitement when you get an answer right and your class cheers for you?!
These games can be played whole class, in a small group, or independently on any device that has PowerPoint which makes them a versatile and effective tool for your classroom.
Want to try out the secret to engaging your students in your classroom?
Click here or on the images below!