Hi everyone! Today I am linking up with Miss V’s Busy Bees for Week 2 of the Back to School Linky! Head on over there and check out some great discussion of this week’s topic… ASSESSMENT! (dun, dun, dun)
As I am sure you all do too, my school district has district-wide assessments that we are required to give. We also use the DRA for summative reading assessment. There is one change that will be happening this year- our district will be adopting MAP (Measures of Academic Progress). I can’t really provide you with any ground breaking information yet; we were given the news at our PD in June, and will receive training at our PD in August. However, what I can tell you is that it is a computer-adaptive assessment given three times a year that will give teachers information on how to best meet the needs of their students. Now, I know that many assessments out there claim to do this, but I am hopeful that this one will! I will let you know more when I do!
One thing I did want to share today is how I keep track of all of my students’ assessments. My friend and teammate, Barb, created a great assessment summary sheet for both ELA and Math. I want to share a rough draft of her new one for this year with you.
This is the ELA assessment summary sheet. As you can see, all of the literacy assessments that we give throughout the year are listed here on ONE sheet of paper! There is room for a baseline score as well as a score for each report card (fall, winter, spring). There is even a box to check off when the student has reached mastery! On the ELA assessment summary sheet, the “mastery” score is only listed for one item “write sight words,” because that is the only assessment that students’ scores do not need to be perfect to achieve mastery. On the math assessment summary sheet, those benchmark scores are listed for each item.
So, you may be wondering, what do I do if I am informally assessing more than 4 times? Where do I keep those scores? Great question! Barb also created individual assessment sheets for each assessment that we give. They have lots of columns for us to date and assess. The only numbers that are recorded on that summary sheet are the final scores for the report cards. Here is an example of a math assessment sheet.
This math one is a bit different because there are 3 assessments listed here. I don’t have an example of a literacy one to show you (sorry!), but as you can imagine, it would take up a full page because there are lots of letters and sight words!
Each student gets one of each individual assessment sheet, one math summary sheet, and one ELA summary sheet. I keep all of these in a Student Data binder, separated by student. When I need to do report cards, have a PPT, or need to change my instruction, all I have to do is grab one binder!